Guaraná Baré — Motion Design
Participei da 1ª Maratona de After Effects, realizada pelo Diretor e Motion Designer Levy Motion, e o desafio era produzir uma animação de um Key Visual para uma possível propaganda do Guaraná Antarctica. E eu escolhi o Guaraná Baré, um dos refrigerantes mais populares da região do amazonas, e tem um sabor que faz parte da vida dos manauaras.
I participated in the 1st After Effects Marathon, held by Director and Motion Designer Levy Motion, and the challenge was to produce a Key Visual animation for a possible advertisement for Guaraná Antarctica. And I chose Guaraná Baré, one of the most popular soft drinks in the Amazon region, and it has a flavor that is part of the life of the manauaras. And I chose Guaraná Baré, one of the most popular soft drinks in the Amazon region, and it has a flavor that is part of the life of the manauaras.
